Hermetic Science Enterprises, which is based in Livingston, Scotland, was founded in 2012 by Lenny Pedersen as a parent company for certain visions of his in the form of imprints focusing on each its own specific area of western esotericism/occultism. While the initial manifestation of this idea was to be Clavicle Press (which, ironically, is the most recently established imprint) with the publication of an, at that time, never translated grimoire, things did not go according to plan and so the focus shifted to the subject of alchemy and thus the imprint Lapis Publications.
Due to Mr Pedersen's involvement in the Royal Art, and his profound interest in a particular area therein—the Cinnabar Path of the French Rosicrucian Order, Frères Aînés de la Rose+Croix (F.A.R.+C.)—he had dreams of translating into English and publishing the classical treatises of this Brotherhood to make these highly important literary works available to the non-French speaking individuals throughout the alchemical community. As such, the classics, Kamala-Jnana's Dictionary of Alchemical Philosophy and Roger Caro's Alchemical Pleiade and The Entire Great Work Photographed, were the first three titles published by Hermetic Science Enterprises between 2013 and 2016.
Since then, the above three titles have sadly needed to be discontinued due to agreements between Hermetic Science Enterprises and the original copyright holder of said works; but it had been a genuine honour and privilege to produce them and provide so many people with these texts in English. However, the humble little company was kept busy with the works of acclaimed Golden Dawn Tradition author, Pat Zalewski—and thus the introduction of the imprint Golden Dawn Publications—with his latest title to date (Godforms of the Golden Dawn Tradition) along with the publication of one of his classics in a revised and greatly expanded edition (Golden Dawn Enochian Magic). This was followed by lessons of the Philosophers of Nature (P.O.N.) finally edited, printed, and bound in book format for the first time since the association was founded in France in 1979, this via the imprint P.O.N. Press. It was here Hermetic Science Enterprises made the decision to expand ever so slightly and go beyond mere books and venture into video production by cleaning, editing, and reintroducing the world to the numerous videos of 1990s workshops and seminars hosted by the P.O.N.
The most recent development of this wee enterprise is the—at long last—launching of the founder's original vision: Clavicle Press. This has been done in tremendous style by making its virgin publication, The Grimoire of Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, available first in an absolutely stunning fine edition, handbound by master bookbinders in Glasgow, and limited to only 50 copies, and then this to be followed by the release of the standard hardback edition. Due to the high level of interest in and success of this handbound fine edition, Hermetic Science Enterprises has decided to, henceforth, celebrate every new book release by doing so first in such a format (and always with copies thereof greatly limited in number) before finally releasing the standard edition—something we hope will appease a lot of our "fans".
Keep an eye on our website for more news and please follow us on social media to keep up with what is going on at Hermetic Science Enterprises.